
This station exists because of the support of the public.
When you give to Mazeltov Radio, you are helping spread positive and helpful information to millions of Jewish people around the world.
As a nonprofit organization, we’re grateful to all our partners.

Your financial support helps us:
Provide quality music; news; constantly update and develop info on the halachic aspects of modern day life; improve programs and creating new features for our website and mobile application; develop and provide life-changing resources for our listeners; cover myriads of expenses… as any other radio station we have to pay for rent, studio equipment, our shomer shabbos labor force, and thousands and thousands dollars for content licensing.
Permanent phone / web / streaming / mobile application are examples of some of the major expenses involved in this enterprise.
And even with our volunteers we have an engineering department for which we have part-time and full-time staff….

We are also fund raising towards our “Real Radio” project, where we will meirtzei Hashem be going live on our very own FM or AM radio channel so you can listen in your car as well as at home.
We can really use your help.

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